Monday was a strange day for me. During one of the stranger parts--while I was beginning to become physically ill--I was thinking that it would make a pretty good "You" series entry. But, once well, I realized I didn't want to fictionalize any of it. It was plenty tumultuous on its own.
It was to be the day I quit my job so that I could go back to school. But, it started with an email from this girl I've been dating, who I've actually never mentioned here before. Anyway, she sent me this email that made it pretty clear to me that it wasn't meant to be. So I told that, as politely as possible. Frankly, I liked her, but I don't really want to put effort into a serious relationship right now, and it seems that even if she doesn't want a serious relationship--as she claims--my aspiration in our endeavor is still anemic. I don't blame her for being upset. I just don't want to change. Anyway, she has apparently agreed to a friendship.
Of course, during the whole exchange with her, I'm getting increasingly nervous about telling my employer, "I'm leaving." I just wasn't sure how they would react. I wanted it to be an amicable exit, but I was mostly looking forward to starting school. They were not at all excited to hear I wanted to leave. They joked that they wished I was going to another firm because, "then they could negotiate." But, I want to go school, so they knew there was little room to talk, however, they finally convinced me to attempt a trial part-time job with them. I'd basically set my own hours! I was really flattered by their generosity, so I decided it couldn't hurt too much. We'll see.
After that I read through a response from the girl. And started to respond, and at the same time work on a project I'd been given. During that, I began to have trouble concentrating, and started feeling nauseous. I ended up going home a little early after an "episode" in the bathroom. What I find strange about all this is I haven't broken up with anyone, left a job or gotten sick in about 3 years...and they all hit the same day.