Infinite Discontinuity

Friday, August 24, 2007


Today, my understanding of the mathematical concept of limits approached a new point. A limit, for the uninitiated, is concept from calculus where you think about a function and all it's possiblities as it "approaches" an assumed point. At least, that's the way I understand them thus far, there is probably more to it that just that.

But, as I was leaving my study session at the library, contemplating my homework, the uniqueness of consciousness crept into my thoughts, drifting between Miles Davis' notes in my ears. It seems to me that our minds are mostly a point of view. You are who you are because you have seen this set of experiences, and they impress on you a certain, unique perspective on the world. That's nothing new, I think John Locke wrote about the tabula rosa, but what I considered for a second--with Miles' crooning trumpet as I strolled in the sun--is that in a way we are like limits. We have all these possibilities, and as we approach our point of view, we discard the other possibilities, an approximate a useful solution that tells us more about our function, which in this case is our identity.

I felt good to be in the sun, with Miles, contemplating infinity and philosophy, I'm looking forward to this school year.
Happy Friday, all!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fall 2007 TR classes

It's going to be an interesting semester academically. Economic Growth will be a discussion of what makes some countries rich, poor and how some countries grow economically at an accelerated pace to others. It gives economics a little more of a heart than one might see from just looking at numbers and listening to the news. My other Tues./Thurs class is Intro to Stats & Data Analysis, which is going to re-examine a lot of math that I learned last semester. I enjoyed that math class, so I think I'll enjoy the econ version. Overall, this semster really brings the picture of what economics is into a clearer focus. It'll complete the package of tools that someone needs to use econ. Next semester's classes whill be growing on these lessons and applying them. I think that's exciting.
Oh, yeah, and college football season is gearing up too! Go Coogs! Go Horns!

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of Classes - Fall 2007

So far:

Calculus I and lab; I'm excited about this course. My instructor introduced the class by saying, "This semester we are going to be contemplating the concept of infinity." We represent it with this:

My Intermediate Microeconomics professor reminds me of that old joke about how you can tell if an economist, or representative from another nerdy profession, is an extrovert. This prof was definitely looking at some of the shoes on the people on the front row, so she was. During her description of the syllabus and course policies, the thought crept in, "Can she handle this? Should I find another IM class?" But, after she started into the economic portions of the intro lecture, I realized that she is brilliant. Her credintials are impeccable, after all, so she is actually the best prof for the class from an academic standpoint. The class itself, looks to be very helpful in tying together a lot of remaining questons in my mind about the connection between math and econ.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Last day / First day

Last day at the firm, after nearly 5 years. It's a little hard to let go, but it's time to move on.
I met with an advisor for the masters of science in applied mathematics degree that I want to get. Overall it went well. My timeframe may be a little delayed, but he was very encouraging about getting there. He also offered his help in getting me in the program. I'm so excited I don't what to do.
It feels like being at some kind of crossroads today, not just for me, but for others. One of the girls from work came here with her newborn baby, another is leaving today too, another friend is starting work on his Ph.D. on Monday. I suppose everyday is a crossroads like that, but today, I noticed it. Eras end and begin.

Friday, August 10, 2007

New Journeys, a week & five years

My last day on my job that I've held for the last 5 years is next friday. To be honest, I can't wait. It's the continuation of my journey to economist. I'm going to start studying for the GRE to get a master's of science in applied math, statistics, so that I can get a Ph.D. in economics. Quitting the job means I can focus fully on school and forget about being a paralegal, finally. Paralegalling was good for me, and I learned a lot of important skills, such as reasoning and writing. But, it's time to continue my journey to doing something else with my life, so I'm taking the old skills and heading down a new path that is exciting for me. Even though, I'm still sure most people would think all this math and economics is boring, it makes me happy. So it goes.