Infinite Discontinuity

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Calculus - Test 1

I took my first calculus test today. I feel like I did everything okay. I couldn't have been more prepared, so I can safely say I did my best. Sometimes, I forget that is all we can ask of ourselves, and it's enough.
I know a portion of my grade, 54. I don't know how many points that is out of. There is a written portion and an online multiple choice potion that I can see the grade to right away.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Pronounced Gore-ti-yeah. Great band, too bad they don't have more exposure in the US. They are big in Australia, apparently. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Morning

There was some beautiful weather this morning during my weekly long run. So beautiful, in fact, I literally went "the extra mile." I set out to run 11, but opted to run 12, because I was just enjoying the cool, dry conditions. Hopefully, we'll see some more weather like that. I've been grabbing breakfast at this small scale health food restaurant, which is cool because I can get "bad for you" taste but "good for you" food. Nice too, because I don't feel the stomach nastiness that usually comes with eating the bad for you stuff.
Last night, I saw a very touching wedding ceremony, two of my friends from the running group tied the knot. You could tell that these two love each other very much, and need to be together. It was one of those ceremonies that reaffirms your faith in that institution. Best wishes to the happy couple.
It's also been an exciting weekend on the football front. UT, UH and the Texans all won! Woo Hoo!

Friday, September 07, 2007

"Let n be an integer."

I've been curious about this mathematician, Paul Erdos, who was the most productive math scholar since Leonhard Euler. Despite what someone might assume about mathematicians, Erdos was a humorist, too. He is incorrectly attributed as having said that a "mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems," though he did drink a lot of coffee. While perusing his page on wikiquotes, I noticed this was attributed to him, "Let n be an integer."
That might not strike you as funny until you read that he always started his conversations by stating that. You might think that is pretty weird until you realize that many, if not most, math proofs start with that statement.
Happy Friday.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Non-smoking Anniversary

September 2nd marks 4 years since I quit smoking. Feels good.