Infinite Discontinuity

Friday, July 28, 2006

The Infinity (Creation)

Infinity has no beginning, but this blog does.
Infinite Discontinuity occurs when a function approaches the same value, but the value approached is positive or negative infinity.
Most people have no idea what that means. However, a graph of such a function shows a set of points that do not touch each other extending infinitely along an x, y-axis.

The apparent, literal paradox of something that goes on forever, but in an interrupted manner struck me as a metaphor for the way life unfolds. It's an assumption to imagine that we are somehow infinite beings---but, a hopeful one. The universe is infinite. And, though our relationship to the universe remains a mystery, I believe an infinite relationship exists. Exploring the mystery is the challenge of life. In mine, I find that a series of random coincidences and unconnected events, punctuate the gathering of wisdom and meaning, found the bonds of relationships, astound the senses, defy the limits of imagination and consciousness, confound rationality, and inform the soul.

That's a potentially over-serious beginning to what I hope will not always be a serious endeavor, but you have to start somewhere. This will be a place for me to share stories, jokes, anecdotes, philosophical over-seriousness and random coincidences with others in an attempt to forge stronger relationships to other sets of discontinuous points in our x, y-axis mystery in space-time.


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